
About our company

Welcome to Xtra House, your trusted partner in wholesale and retail distribution since 1996. With a rich history of over two decades, we pride ourselves on being a leading force in the distribution industry, catering to a diverse range of needs with our extensive product lineup. From food and beverages to electronics, household products, and beyond, we've built a reputation for excellence and reliability.


At the heart of our operation are our four department stores under the prestigious JcClub Brand, a testament to our commitment to providing quality and value to our customers. We're honored to be the exclusive distributor for 42 distinguished brands from across the globe, including the USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, China, and Turkey. Our carefully curated product range spans essential categories such as health and beauty, home appliances, confectionery, and more, ensuring we meet the varied needs of our clientele.


Our team of over 50 dedicated employees is the backbone of our success, driving our mission forward with their expertise and passion. To complement our exceptional team, we've established a robust in-house delivery network fleet, ensuring timely and efficient distribution of goods across our channels.


Innovation is at the core of what we do, which is why we've embraced technology to enhance our services. Xtra House emerged as a strategic expansion into the retail and cash-and-carry sector, catering to a diverse clientele across Belize, Our B2B e-commerce platform exemplifies our forward-thinking approach, offering over 5000 sku’s seamless and convenient transactions for our business clients.


Sustainability and ethical business practices are integral to our operations. We're proud to have continuously maintained a good standing certificate for 28 years, reflecting our commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices.


At Xtra House, we're more than just a distribution company; we're a community of professionals dedicated to exceeding expectations and fostering long-lasting relationships with our partners and customers. Join us on our journey as we continue to grow, innovate, and lead in the wholesale and retail distribution space.